My Views on Working to a Brief

I think working against a brief is good because even though I know what the upcoming project would be about, the brief gives you a complete explanation of what the markers want you to complete. It’s also always with you to review whenever your stuck on a specific area of the project. The brief usually gives you what criteria you need to hit with a pass, merit or distinction and is great for when you want to keep aiming towards a distinction for each unit.

Without a brief, you wouldn’t really know the criteria and different units of the project. You also wouldn’t remember what tasks you need to complete if it was something specific, so it’s great to have a brief so you’re on track with progress.

I dealt with my brief really well in my FMP project. I made sure that I could understand the brief, by reading it over a few times. It was also useful to look at how well I hit the criteria for certain units, and that if I didn’t hit a distinction, I could then re-read the distinction part of the unit and add the points into my work.

What is Working to a Brief?

A ‘brief’ is a specification of work to be done. It is a document that outlines the project needs and wants of a client and is part of the pre-production process whether for TV, multimedia or graphic design. Many clients know what they need for their business and are very focused on the target aims and objectives. Sometimes the client knows that they need an end product but is not sure exactly what this will be or how to achieve it.

The brief can fall between two extremes: Very tight or completely open. Most producers and designers find an open brief most difficult to interpret because there is no given starting point and no limitations.

There are a number of ways a brief can be communicated:

  • It is presented at an initial meeting with a client/broadcaster.
  • It can be produced collaboratively by the client and producer discussing the aims and objectives face to face.
  • It can be communicated verbally by telephone.
  • It can be posted or delivered by email.
  • It can be communicated at a briefing day.

The Evaluation…


For my Final Major Project, I had to create something with a unique selling point. I chose a movie quiz book, based on their costumes. For this, I would be re-creating illustrations for different films, so people can guess what film it’s from or which character it is. In this project, I created a blog and a sketchbook, as well as using the Adobe programmes Illustrator, InDesign & Photoshop.

Research File & Sketchbook:

To gather research for my blog, I made a list of things to research such as online and app quizzes, Text Effects, Tutorials such as ‘Creating Filmstrips on Illustrator’, Board Games, Books, and many more. Navigating around my blog is not so confusing, I have it in Categories and then Sub-Categories underneath, so it’s organised and easy to navigate around. The blog was used for my Research file, and anything else written. I used my sketchbook for everything creative and sketched. I decided to pick both as I thought it would be easier to annotate all of my illustrations in my book, instead of waiting ages to upload them all onto my blog. I also thought that my blog would be over-crowed with loads of sections in it, and I know how easy it is to put a post in the wrong category.

Creating the Illustrations:

To create the illustrations for my book, I grabbed an original image, and pen tooled the costume/hair/detail of the illustration. For some illustrations, I found that I didn’t need to pen tool them, or carry on with the pen tool myself when the original image is cropped. I also used different shapes such as the curved tool for a mouth and shirt collars, circle and line tool for glasses, buttons and 3D effects such as holes (for Friday 13th movie) and necklaces like Marge Simpson’s.

Before, I was going to do loads of main categories as well as movies such as games, TV Shows and Music and still have the costume/outfit idea. However, this would’ve given me far too much work, so I stuck to the topic Movies. Also, I was originally going to do eight illustrations for each section, but cut them down to five, then cut them down even more to four because of the amount of time we had for this project, although I could’ve started doing the illustrations earlier on.

When it came to the harder illustrations such as Star Wars’ Princess Amidala, Dark Shadows, Borat, The Joker, Wallace, the Anchorman Illustrations and the Mad Hatter, there was a lot more detail. For Princess Amidala, her headwear took me ages to pen trace and there was so much detail. For Dark Shadows, Barnabas Collins’ hands and fingernails were tricky as I had to pen tool each fingernail and they were very awkward shapes. For my Borat illustration, I thought of adding some detail such as his badge. For this, I had to zoom in really close, and pen tooled the badge from the original image. In the end when I placed the finished illustration in my book, the badge was hardly shown. The Joker was tricky because of the suit. I had to keep arranging the shapes I pen tooled around quite a bit, and the colours was quite hard to match. For Wallace, his teeth were the hardest to pen tool as the top teeth had to look bigger than the bottom teeth and they were all different shapes and angles. The Anchorman illustrations from the bonus round, were slightly hard to do, as all four of them wear suits, and finally the Mad Hatter was quite tricky as the detail on his bow tie was all pen tooled. It was also quite hard to trace round his hair.

The illustrations I’m pleased with are Borat, Harry Potter, Oompa Loompa and Wreck It Ralph. I wasn’t so pleased with illustrations like Gravity, Twilight (because of the fangs), After Earth, Augustus Gloop and Violet. I didn’t feel like I put much effort into these. An example of this was my Gravity illustration which was just a blurred spacesuit which could’ve been much clearer and more suited to my other illustrations.

Time Management:

To make my final project more organised, I created a schedule of what parts of my project I needed to complete, and what date they should be completed by. I partly met my schedule, except I didn’t mention the bonus round on it as I thought I’d have the bonus illustrations under the genre, so I had to update it on my schedule. Some of the illustrations took the most time, as I added some detail to them. Also, putting the book together took a while, as I wanted to add graphics to the backgrounds, which took extra time.

Some of the illustrations I created also took me much less time than others. These were Keith Lemon: The Film, The Ring, Grease, The Incredibles and The Wizard of Oz. I thought that The Ring would take much more time than I expected, but It was literally the hair and costume rags I had to pen tool around. Creating the titles for the sections in my book also took far less time than I thought. Although I had to go on Photoshop as well as Illustrator to make sure there’s no white fill in-between the letters, it still didn’t waste any time on this project.

To improve my schedule, I could’ve written down the dates that I managed to complete the tasks. I also could’ve worked out estimates for when my book would arrive for example. I also didn’t mention other parts I needed to do on my schedule, such as creating the graphics for the backgrounds in my book.

About My Product:

I like the product I created for my FMP, as its different and fun. I’m pleased with the layout, text and fonts and illustrations on it, as it’s colourful and completely different to any other quiz book you see in shops. The front cover also looks great, and it really makes you want to take the quiz. I wasn’t so proud of some of the illustrations as said previously in my evaluation, however I felt my font wasn’t strong enough for my book and I had to use a PC when designing my book as it didn’t have the font on the Apple Macs. I also wasn’t overly proud of the front cover title’s font, layout and colour, as it doesn’t really stand out as I thought it would and still seems slightly dull for this colourful book.

If I could redo this project, I would make sure I had a font which I can access on a Mac as well as a PC. I would also (especially if I plenty more time) put an extra page in my book having follow ups to my book which I would possibly create in the future, and I would come up with names for them and design logos too. The only problem with this is because the book has to be even otherwise there would be blank pages when it’s printed, so it would’ve take far more time, considering how much time we had for this final project.

Sending to Print:

To get my book published, I used the company Book Printing UK. There was so much helpful and useful information on the website, that I didn’t need to ask any questions before sending. Sending my product to print was surprisingly easy and ordering the books and signing up to view my order was pretty straight-forward and I didn’t get confused with navigating through. The printing company were pretty reliable, however other people’s books took past the deadline to arrive. When I emailed them wondering when my 5 copies will arrive, they said that it would take 7-10 working days and that was the week before the end of year show. However, they kindly said they would do mine by Friday so the five copies would be sent to me on Monday, when I mentioned there was a deadline I needed them by.

The only issue I had was when I uploaded my book onto the site and checked through my book to see if there were any mistakes. I spotted a few where one image was a missing link, so I saved it under a different name and it was the same as the one in that bonus round. That was a very big mistake, and it would’ve messed up my FMP. The other few mistakes I found out were answers I wrote down, which were captioned underneath the wrong films, so that would’ve probably gave me less marks too. As I spotted these, I then edited these mistakes on my FMP after the deadline, and uploaded the final file onto the site. However, I couldn’t delete my messed up FMP I uploaded first, as it didn’t give me an option to. I then decided to email the company so they could get rid of the file for me and they managed to do that straight away which was excellent. 

Final Product:

When I received my proof copy through the post as a booklet, I was very pleased with it and it didn’t have any mistakes inside. I spotted a few faint lines through the coloured background on a number of pages, but it was hardly noticable.The size of the book was how I expected it to be, and the weight of pages was more than I imagined and makes the book look so professional. The writing on the contents page was bigger in size than I thought, but it didn’t bother me at all. The five copies I received the day before the end of year show were all neatly packaged, and looked better than the proof. They managed to print them really well and clear and I’m pleased how well the colours all came out in the end.

A guide to help me with my Evaluation…

– Explaining the sections in this Evaluation.
– Explain what your project is about.

Research File/Blog:
– Was it hard gathering the research?
– Navigating: was it easier than before?
– What did I use the blog for?

– Why did I use a sketchbook as well as a blog?
– Was doing a sketchbook for designing easier than if I put everything onto one blog?

Creating the Illustrations:
– How did I do this?
– Did I have to cut any illustrations out?
– Were there any illustrations that were harder than others?
– What illustrations are you pleased with and why?

Time Management:
– Was my schedule accurate?
– What aspect of the project took the most time?
– What took less time?

About My Product:
– What do I like the most about my product?
– What did I not like about my product?
– If I could redo this project, what would I change?

Sending to Print:
– Was it easy to enter details in/pay?
– Was the printing company reliable enough?
– Contacting the company, any issues?


Final Product:

Chosen Printing Company I went for

I went for the ‘Book Printing UK’ website, as it gives you a lot of information of how you need the layout done ready to upload, the sizing, the way you need to have 2-5mm bleed on your document, etc. I also went with this company as they seem more reliable and there are more options for when you select your quote before you start putting in your delivery information and payment information.

These are the details of my order:

Quantity: 5
Price: £45
Product: Booklet
Colour or Black and White: Colour
Size: A5
Number of pages: 44
Number of copies: 5
Portrait/Landscape: portrait
Inside Pages: 100gsm
Cover Thickness: 250gsm
Cover Finish: Gloss
Estimated delivery time: 10 working days after sign-off of your proof.


Quiz Categories: An Update…

Instead of having a bonus question for all 9 of my movie genre categories, (4 boxes joined together with illustrations from same movie which you have to identify the movie and names of characters) I came up with just having a couple of the bonus questions (choosing the top 4) at the end of my last genre ‘Horror’. This was because as I only have a couple of weeks left of this project, it saves me a lot of time or more time to choose a theme for my book, come up with a name, etc.

I have also made sure that I have 4 illustrations for each section. Here’s a clearer example:

Section 1 Sci-Fi (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 2 – Fantasy (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 3Comedy (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 4 – Musicals (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 5Action & Adventure (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 6Disney (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 7Iconic (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 8 Animation (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 9 Horror (4 illustrations, single images)
Section 10 Bonus Round (4 of the genres above, 4 illustrations in one square)

My Schedule:

4 Illustrations from the following sections by:

Sci-Fi – Thurs 1 May
Fantasy – Tues 6 May
Comedy – Wed 7 May
Musicals – Thurs 8 May 
Action & Adventure – Fri/Weekend 9,10, 11 May 
Disney – Tues 13 May
Bonus Rounds: Tues 13 May
Iconic – Weds 14 May
Animation – Thurs 15 May
Horror – Fri 16 May 

Fonts for Headings & Title: Fri 2 May

Book Layout Sorted: Fri 15 May

Final Book FINISHED by: Fri 23 May

Sent FMP to Printing Company: Fri 23 May 

Sketchbook/Blog  Handed in by: Fri 30 May


Top 5 Movies…


1. Avatar
2. Star Trek
3. The Avengers
4. After Earth
5. Gravity


1. Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
2. Narnia
3. Lord of the Rings
4. Dark Shadows
5. Twilight Saga


1. Anchorman
2. The Hangover
3. Keith Lemon: The Film
4. Borat
5. Austin Powers


1. High School Musical
2. Hairspray
3. Mamma Mia!
4. Phantom of the Opera
5. Burlesque

Action & Adventure:

1. X-Men
2. Kick Ass
3. The Dark Night
4. Harry Potter
5. Star Wars


1. Pirates of the Carribean
2. Alice in Wonderland
3. Toy Story
4. The Incredibles
5. Wreck it Ralph


1. Forrest Gump
2. Grease
3. Wizard of Oz
4. Annie
5. The Tramp


1. Wallace & Gromit
2. Despicable Me
3. Spongebob Movie
4. Simpsons Movie
5. Alvin & the Chipmunks


1. Sweeney Todd
2. Texas Chainsaw
3. Saw
4. The Ring
5. Chucky